Monday, 5 November 2012

Screening at Aid and Abet, Cambridge

Several screen shots from the final film:

After spending some time reworking various parts from the rough edit Tower was ready for the first screening at Aid and Abet in Cambridge.  I decided that it would work best if there was a live element and if we could explore something of the acoustic of the building as a prelude to the screening.  This was performed by myself and Jennifer Allum (due to Ute's unavailability that day).  The audience present seemed to enjoy this relationship between the film and the 'liveness' of the performance. Some responses are recorded below...

Audience Response to the Screening at Aid and Abet, Cambridge, October 20

“I was given your email by the gallery so that I could tell you how much I really enjoyed your film Tower and the improvisation on Saturday at Aid & Abet in Cambridge. It is an interesting companion piece to Via di San Teodoro 8 that I saw at V22 some time ago. Your films have triggered a long running debate that I have been having in my head about my relationship between film, art, and architecture (I studied architecture by using video to explore space and time).” 
 Alex, London

“I really enjoyed your screening and performance on Saturday… I thought it worked really well to have the live element along side the film - Jennifer is quite brilliant. I loved the relationship between the way the camera and sound simultaneously explored and interrogated the space and the sense this gave of containment and leakage both in and out of the space.”
 Rosy, Cambridge